A Childminder is a person who singlehandedly minds children in the Childminder’s own home. Childminders are self-employed, agree their own terms, fees and conditions with parents, and are responsible for their own tax and PRSI arrangements.
Childminders offer home-based childcare in their own homes. This care is personal, unique, adaptable and family friendly. Childminders play an important role in supporting families: between 70% – 80% of all childcare in Ireland is carried out by paid and unpaid Childminders. They are valued, recognised and respected by parents and childcare organisations alike.
Certain categories of Childminders come under the Child Care Act (Early Years Services) 2016 Regulations and are legally obliged to notify Tusla that they are providing a Childminding service.
The following Childminders are exempt from the Child Care Regulations 2016:
The Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth provides Childminding Development Grants of up to €1,000 to those who provide or intend to provide a childminding service in the Childminder’s own home. You may apply for a grant every two years to purchase equipment or make small home modifications for your service.
Contact us at info@dlrchildcare.ie or 01 2896600 to find out when the next round of funding is available.
Learner Fund Childminder Bursary 2023
Applicant Guide
2023 Learner Fund Graduate Bursary Application Form2023
Learner Fund Graduate Bursary Rules for Applicants (1)
The Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth (DCEDIY) will open the Learner Fund Bursary for Childminders who are registered with Tusla and hold a Level 5 or Level 6 award on the National Framework of Qualifications (NFQ). The local City/County Childcare Committees (CCCs) will process and appraise Learner Fund Childminder Bursary applications.
The following rules apply to the Childminder Bursary:
Please Note:
With regard to (2) above: the graduating certificate must be provided with the application form along with photographic identification. If not available, a full and confirmed statement of results should suffice. The statement of results must indicate that the qualification is awarded.
Sharing of data with relevant parties:
Information provided by the applicant will be used only for the purpose it was intended and will be retained by the CCC for financial audit purposes. Names and Email addresses may be shared with other City and County Childcare Committees for the purposes of verification and validation of previous grant support history.
Names of applicants and qualification level are disclosed to Pobal for the purposes of administering payments arising from applications. Information may be shared with DCEDIY but will not be stored or retained in any way by DCEDIY. The DCEDIY Data Privacy Statement applies and can be viewed on their website: https://www.gov.ie/en/organisation-information/68bb14-department-of-children-and-youth-affairs-data-protection/
The CCC decision is final: There is no appeals process for the Childminder bursary. The decision of the CCC is final for the purposes of the bursary application and process, and no delays to the timely conclusion of the process should occur. If an applicant is not approved and wants clarification on this, they can contact DCEDIY directly.
Application requirements:
Unit 16, Deansgrange Business Park, Deansgrange, Co Dublin A94 HH31
Company Number : 355563 Charity Number : 16005
© 2021 Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Childcare Committee