The ECCE programme is a universal programme available to all children between the ages of 2 years and 8 months and 5 years and 5 months. The ECCE programme consists of a 3 hour session per day, 5 days a week over 38 weeks of the year.  It generally runs alongside the primary school year calendar.  

This programme is to support children in the early years of the educational journey and to prepare them for the transition to primary school education.

The ECCE programme encompasses Aistear, the Early Years Curriculum Framework and Siolta, the National Quality Framework.  Early Years Providers who sign up to offer this programme meet qualification and training requirements to provide this programme.

Children must be 2 years and 8 months by the 31st of August of the same year they will be enrolling in the programme.

Please see the table below or use our ECCE Calculator to see when they are eligible for the programme. For further information click on the following link:

Check your child's eligibility

Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth

Here’s some further information on the ECCE Programme including the

ECCE Rules 2024/25

Here’s Information on Minimum Enrolment Exemptions & here’s the Programme year 23/24 Minimum Exemption Form

Please note that this form is for the Programme Year 203/24. The form is also  available on the Early Years Hive.